Anyone who has Registered and Placed an Order in our System / Site will have Accepted these Rules and cannot Complain or Claim Any Rights.
1.) Multiple Orders on Same Link
📍 Do not Place 2nd or Multiple Orders on the Same Link Address, Before Your First Order is not Marked as Completed. If You do this, The System will give an Error and Your Remaining Orders will be Marked as Completed without Completion. and the Amount will not be Refunded.
:- जब तक किसी Link पर लगाया गया पहला Order Completed Mark ना हो, तब तक उस Link पर कोई दूसरा Order ना डालें, अगर आप ऐसा करते हैं, तो आपके बाकी के सारे Orders (जो उसी Link पर लगाये गये हैं), बिना Complete हुए ही Completed Mark हो जाएगें। और पैसा Refund नहीं किया जाएगा।
2.) Private Profile
📍 Make the Profile Public before Placing the Order, If you Place an Order on Private Profile, Your Order is Marked Completed without Completion and Amount will not be Refunded.
:- Order डालने से पहले अपनी Profile को Public कर दें, अगर आप अपनी Private Profile पर Order डालेंगे तो आपका Order बिना Complete हुए ही Completed Mark हो जाएगा और पैसा Refund नहीं किया जाएगा।
3.) Hidden Like Count
📍 Do not Hide the Likes Count of Your Reels, Post or Shorts while Ordering. If You place the Order on Hidden Like's Post, Your Order will be Marked as Completed without Completion, And the Amount will not be Refunded.
:- अपनी Reels, Post या Shorts पर Order लगाते समय Likes को Hide ना करें। अगर आप Hidden Likes Count (छुपे हुए Likes) वाली Post पर Order डालेंगे तो आपका Order बिना पूरा हुए ही Completed Mark हो जाएगा, और पैसा Refund नहीं किया जाएगा।
4.) Comments Off or Limited Comments
📍 Do not Disable or Restrict Comments while Placing the Comments Order, If You do this Your Order is Marked as Completed without Completion. And the Amount will not be Refunded.
:- Comments का Order डालते समय, Post पर Comments को Off या सिर्फ अपने Followers के लिए Limited ना करें। अगर आप ऐसा करते हैं तो आपका Order बिना Complete हुए ही Completed Mark हो जाएगा। और पैसा Refund नहीं किया जाएगा।
5.) Order on Wrong Links
📍 If you Put Wrong Link Address in Link Section while Ordering a Service, Your Order will be Marked as Completed without Completion and the Amount will not be Refunded. So please Put the Link carefully.
:- अगर आप किसी Service में Order डालते समय गलत Link Address डाल देते हैं, तो आपका Order बिना Complete हुए ही Completed Mark हो जाएगा और पैसा Refund नहीं किया जाएगा। तो कृपया ध्यान से सही Link डालें।
6.) Note for Running Orders...
📍 After Making a Order, do not Convert Profile into Private Profile, do not Change the Username and do not Place Another Order from any Other Sites until Your Running Order is not Delivered Completly and not Marked as Completed.
:- जब तक आपका Running Order पूरा Deliver ना हो और Completed Mark ना हो, तब तक आप अपनी Profile को Private ना करें, ना ही Profile का Username Change करें और ना ही किसी दूसरी Site से कोई Service लें।
7.) Canceled or Partial Order
📍 If Your Order is Half Completed and Marked as Partial, Your Remaining Amount will Be Refunded. And if Your Order is Canceled, Your Full Amount/Money will be Refunded. Please Try to Enter Order Again or Order from our Different Service.
:- अगर आपका Order आधा Complete होता हैं, मतलब Partial Mark हो जाता हैं, तो जितनी Quantity Deliver नहीं हुई होगी, उसका पैसा Refund कर दिया जाएगा। और अगर आपका Order Cancel हो जाता हैं, तो आपका पूरा पैसा Refund कर दिया जाएगा। इस स्थिति में आप उसी Service या उसी Category की किसी दूसरी Service में फिर से Order लगा लें।
8.) Order Marked as Completed without Completion
📍 If Your Order is Marked Completed without Completion, then do not Place next Order on that Link Address from anywhere, Directly Contact us via What's App Chat Support and must wait for our Response.
:- अगर आपका Order बिना पूरा हुए ही Completed Mark हो जाता हैं, तो आप उस Link Address पर कोई दूसरा Order ना डालें। हमारे What's App Chat Support पर मैसेज करें और हमारे Reply का इन्तजार करें।
9.) Demo / No Refill / Bot Accounts Service
📍 There is No Guarantee of Demo / No Refill / Bot Accounts Services. These all Services are Only for a Short Demo, can be Drop or Deleted Even the Same Day.
:- Bot Accounts, Demo Services और No Refill जिन भी Services में लिखा हैं, उन Services की कोई भी गारंटी नहीं हैं। ये सारी Services सिर्फ एक छोटे Demo के लिए है। ये Services उसी दिन पूरा घट या Drop हो सकती है। Drop होने पर कोई भी पैसा Refund नहीं किया जाएगा।
10.) Order Completion & Mentioned Time
📍 The Time of Order Completion, We have Mentioned in Service Title & Description, is the Closest Estimated Time for that Service (95% Accurate). Our Panel never Guarantees a Fixed Time, because it is not clear when the Social Media will Update.
:- Order पूरा होने के लिए जो समय Service Title और Description में Mention किया गया हैं, वो एक निकटतम अनुमानित समय हैं (जो कि 95% सही हैं). हमारा Panel कभी भी एक निश्चित समय में Order Complete होने की गारंटी नहीं देता है, क्योंकि सोशल मीडिया Apps कब Update होंगे, इसका अनुमान नहीं लगाया जा सकता। Updates में समय थोड़ा कम ज्यादा हो सकता हैं।
11.) Uses Forbidden for...
📍 It is Forbidden to Deliver Services to Accounts such as +18, Adult, iddaa Coupon Sales or illegal Gambling.
:- +18, वयस्क, कूपन बिक्री या अवैध जुआ जैसे खातों पर, सेवाएं प्रदान करना निषिद्ध है।
12.) Payment Refund Policies
📍 Once you Add the Fund in Site, it will not be Refunded to Your Bank Account. So Please Add the enough Funds as Your Needs.
📍 But if we Claim to have any Service in Our Site via our Chat Support, and You are not Get the Service their or has a Problem or is Removed, a Refund will Made.
📍 A Refund can take upto 7 Working Days after processing Your Request.
:- एक बार जब आप साइट पर Fund Add कर लेते हैं, तो यह आपके बैंक खाते में वापस नहीं किया जाएगा। इसलिए कृपया अपनी आवश्यकतानुसार पर्याप्त धनराशि Add करें।
:- लेकिन अगर हमारी टीम ने Chat Support के माध्यम से, किसी Service का हमारे पास होने का दावा किया है, और अगर आपको वो Service हमारी Site में नहीं मिलती हैं या उसमें कोई Problem आ रही हैं या Service हटा दी गयी हैं, तो पैसा Refund कर दिया जाएगा।
:- Payment Refund का अनुरोध करने के बाद रिफंड में 7 कार्य दिवस तक का समय लग सकता है।
13.) Importance of Title & Description
📍 Among the Title and Description, only the Title will be Considered Correct. Although the Data Written in the Service Descriptions are not up-to-date, They are Valid in this Contract because we do not know what data any Service Reflects Instantly. Service Descriptions are only Preliminary Information. Warranty and Starting Periods are not Valid in Description always Check Title.
:- Service के Title और Description में से Title को हमेशा सही माना जाएगा। हालांकि Description में दिया गया Data up-to-date नहीं हैं क्योंकि हम नहीं जानते कोई Service किसी समय पर कैसे Perform करेगी। Service का Description, Service की शुरूआती मूलभूत जानकारी प्रदान करता हैं। Service का Warranty Period और Start Time की जानकारी लेने के लिए Description की जगह Title को देखें।
14.) Account Suspention
📍 If you use Abusive Language in Our Chat Support, Your Account will be Suspended Permanently. Your Account Balance will be Reduced to Zero.
📍 If you do any Payment Scam like Fake Payment Screenshot Generation or making third parties payment direct from Your Clients to Our Account, we will Suspend Your Account without any Notice. Your Account Balance will be Reduced to Zero.
:- अगर आप हमारे Chat Support में गालियों या अपमानजनक भाषा का प्रयोग करेंगे, तो आपका Account हमेशा के लिए Suspend कर दिया जाएगा। और Balance को शून्य कर दिया जाएगा।
:- अगर आप कोई Payment के गलत लेनदेन में पकड़े जाते है जैसे कि Fake Payment Screenshots बनाना या अपने किसी Client से Direct हमारे Account में पैसे डलवाना, तो ऐसी स्थिति में आपका Account हमेशा के लिए Suspend कर दिया जाएगा। और Balance को शून्य कर दिया जाएगा।
Sipariş geçilmeden önce mutlaka kullanıcının profil herkese açık hale getirilmelidir.
Sosyal medya sistemleri sürekli güncellenmektedir takipçi vb işlemlerde hesabınız kapatılabilir lütfen "Yeni Açılmış", "Telif İçerikli", "Sms ve Mail Onaysız" Hesaplara Takipçi Almayınız. Aynı zamanda sıradan bir hesabın kapanma riski de bulunmaktadır. Lütfen bunları göz önünde bulundurunuz sorumluluk kabul edememekteyiz.
Bir sipariş bitmeden aynı adrese başka sipariş girmemelisiniz.
Kapanan hesap,silinen takipçi, ve her türlü sipariş eksikliği konusunda panelimiz garanti vermemektedir.
Panelimiz bütün işlemlerde aktiflik & düşmeme garantilemez sadece alınan miktarın yüklemesinde sorumludur. (Garantili servisler hariç) Eğer eksik yükleme olursa sistem otomatik şekilde eksik kısmın ücretini iade etmektedir.
Bot takipçi işlemlerinin hiç bir şekilde garantisi yoktur bakım yapılacak süre belli olmamakla birlikte gelen takipçiler ertesi gün bile silinebilir.
Gizli hesaplara verilen siparişlerin durumu "Sipariş tamamlandı" olursa geri iade yapılamamaktadır.
Hatalı işlem yapılan siparişlerin durumu "Sipariş tamamlandı" olursa geri iade yapılamamaktadır.
Sistem üzerinden geçilen siparişlerin başlama süresi sistemsel yoğunluğa göre değişebilir, ertelenebilir, uzatılabilir.
Sisteme giren bakiye kesinlikle iade edilmemektedir lakin bizimle bir hizmet konusunda anlaştığımızda o hizmet problem yaşayıp kaldırılırsa iade yapılmaktadır.
Siparişinizi verdikten sonra hesap, gönderi vs. ID'lerini değiştirmeyin, gizlemeyin ve sipariş tamamlanmadan başka yerden çekim yapmayınız.
Sistemimize kayıt olup sipariş vermiş olan herkes bu kuralları kabul etmiş olur ve herhangi bir aksaklıkta şikayetçi olamaz ve hak talep edemezler.